
Scourge of the Gods

by Mangin & Gajic
    General info about comics:
  • Story: Valérie Mangin
  • Art: Aleksa Gajic
  • Original title: Le Fléau des dieux
  • Original language: French
  • Original French publisher: Soleil Productions
  • Genre:

cover: Scourge of the Gods
  • Scourge of the Gods

    Publisher: Marvel Comics (USA), 2009
    Format: Hardcover, 170x268 mm, 152 pp., color
    Printed in USA
    Contains 3 books:

    • Morituri te Salutant
    • Dies Irae
    • Urbi et Orbi

    Originally published in 3 books:
    • Morituri te salutant, 2000 -- (No 1)
    • Dies Irae, 2001 -- (No 2)
    • Urbi et Orbi, 2002 -- (No 3)

cover: Scourge of the Gods - The Fall
  • Scourge of the Gods - The Fall

    Publisher: Marvel Comics (USA), 2009
    Format: Hardcover, 170x268 mm, 144 pp., color
    Printed in USA
    Contains 3 books:

    • Vae victis
    • Dei ex Machina
    • Exit

    Originally published in 3 books:
    • Vae victis, 2004 -- (No 4)
    • Dei ex machina, 2005 -- (No 5)
    • Exit, 2006 -- (No 6)

    Scourge of the Gods - comic books

    Scourge of the Gods -stories are published also in comic book (64 pages) format in 2008 and 2009 . Each comic book contains one Universall War One book.

cover: Scourge of the Gods #1
Scourge of the Gods #1:
Morituri te Salutant
cover: Scourge of the Gods #1
Scourge of the Gods #1:
Morituri te Salutant
(US Extra Cover)
cover: Scourge of the Gods #2
Scourge of the Gods #2:
Dies Irae
cover: Scourge of the Gods #3
Scourge of the Gods #3:
Urbi et Orbi

cover: Scourge of the Gods - The Fall #1
Scourge of the Gods
The Fall #1:
Vae victis
cover: Scourge of the Gods - The Fall #1
Scourge of the Gods
The Fall #1:
Vae victis
(US Extra Cover)
cover: Scourge of the Gods - The Fall #2
Scourge of the Gods
The Fall #2:
Dei ex Machina
cover: Scourge of the Gods - The Fall #3
Scourge of the Gods
The Fall #3:

    Scourge of the Gods stories published in Heavy Metal magazine:

  • The Scourge Of The Gods - Book 1: Morituri Redux, 46 pages, color -- Heavy Metal, 25th Anniversary Special, Fall 2002
    Morituri te salutant, 2000 -- (No 1)
  • The Scourge Of God: The Day of Wrath, 46 pages, color -- Heavy Metal, Sci-Fi Special, Spring 2004
    Dies Irae, 2001 -- (No 2)

2010-05-16 Kimmo_Lakoma
